In this comment you are supposed to write a sentence beginning: I've learnt... It should be an example of what you have learnt from your own experience. Then explain how you came to this conclusion by giving a few details. Keep it short, don't write more than 50 words.
My example:
I have learnt painfully that even the most precise plans can be ruined by adverse circumstances.
Explanation: My trip to England had been planned in detail two months in advance. However, it was cancelled in the last minute due to volcanic eruption in Iceland. Therefore, I had to travel by coach for a day and two nights instead of two and a half hours to attend the courses in Oxford.
Now, what have you learnt?
I have learnt that you should always study everything for an exam.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: In 8th grade I had an exam at History and I studied everything except one lesson. No need to say that, that particular lesson was on my exam paper. Luckily I passed.
I have learnt that that is very important to know what you want to do in your life.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: Two years ago, I finished the high school and I went in Italy to work. I worked there one and a half year and I want to say it was the worst period of my life. I was very depressed because the life it wasn’t so easy how others say. Then I come home and I subscribed me to the university and I found a job in the domain which I dream to work since I was a child: army.
I've learnt not to judge the person at the first impression and deal with them in the same way. Once it came in my office a man who was wearing t-shirt and bluejeans. I belived that it was not an important person and I treated him superficially. After I tallked to him for a few minutes, I realised that it was the director of one big company.
ReplyDeleteI have learnt that you should always accept only one task not 3 or 4 , knowing that you can not do it.
ReplyDeleteexplanation: This weekand I had to bake a cake, I had to walk my neighbor's dog,I had to clean my whole house and at 15 pm I had to be at work.
I've learnt that you haven't need trust in friends,because they betray you,when you don't expect any.
ReplyDeleteThree years ago I heard from some friends,that my best friend was talking behind my back.
I have learned that people who are older don't necessarily know more than young people do.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: I was assigned to do some work for a project where i was the youngest and the ideas that we had were not all on the same level, because of my age the proposal i had was disregarded and the project had a mediocre impact, saying we were lacking the input of the younger generation.
I have learnt in time that driving with speed on the road and acting like a racing driver is not a glory but on the contrary.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was young I thought you are a good driver if you drive with high speed and exceeding any vehicle on the road. All this took me to a various incidents, fortunately with no serious consequences but important enough to make me change my attitude.
I have learnt that : ”always think twice before paying for something’’
ReplyDeleteExplanation : Last summer I tried to buy a tea at the Mamaia festival . By following a lot of the vendor’s advice, I didn’t have time to consider two variables .It’s better to consume pineapple in fruit form than as a tea, and I might have spent too much money on that particular tea. And I bought the item fast. Wrong idea!How could this have been avoided? Simple: I just had to think a little longer on the process of buying. The vendor tricked me into buying fast, and I didn’t take a good decision. The total cost of the tea is relatively small , but I did gained a valuable experience.Things to go home with: before buying, reserve a little time to think things over. It’s easier to do that than to work for that same amount of money.
I have learnt that you have to help yours best friends when they need.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: Once upon a time when a friend had a problem I helped him and he returned the favor
I've learnt that you sholud always listen to parents,because you only have benefit.
ReplyDeleteOnce,I wanted to go to work,and my parents told me that it is very difficult to work.I never thought and I went to work,but at noon I went home because it was very hard and tiring.In the end I got home,and I told my parents they have right.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, but take care, you say 'parents are right'.
I've learnt that a good friend it's hard to find!!You don't pick them, they pick you.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: It was a time, when I had a lot of problems, and all my friends abandoned me, only one person, helped me, then I realized who was really a friend.
I've learnt that you should always be patient with others.
ReplyDeleteIt was a time when I worked a lot and I was verry tired and in one of those days one of best friends told me her problems and asked my opinion about the thing she told me and I had no patience with her,I just simply told her that I don't know and I don't care neither.Next day I realized what a fool I was,because every time I needed someone to talk to she was there for me,not like I was.
I’ve learnt painfully what it means to graduate a school in this country and cannot find a job.
ReplyDeleteLast year I graduated college and I could work as a pharmacy assistant. However I cannot find this kind of job because nowadays one is not given any chance in Romania.
I have learnt that sometimes things aren’t what they seem.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: once i bought a large orange and when I unwrapped it I realized that she was half shell. Since then i buy only small orange.
I have learned that you always have to know that what you really want.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: Long time ago I was dreaming about things which I wanted to realize, but all my attempts were unsuccessful.
Then I started to write down what I would like to do, and I started to make plans for my goals. A few weeks later I noticed that I move on towards the goals. Now I think that if somebody is aimless, then he can run in this world, but he will never step over the finish line.
I've learnt that I shouldn't be jealous at anyone, because it drive's you crazy.
ReplyDeleteExplanation : Once I became jealous at my husband because I thought he was having an afair, but it turned up that it was all my crazy imagination.
I have learnt that one of the hardest thing in the life is to have real friends.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: Last year when I had a healty problem just two persons interested about me in the hospital. After a month when I was fine and I met some "frinds" they behaved with me like we would be frinds since our childish.
I've learnt that it's never too late to study...
I was convinced that after a certain age, I can't be a good student.
I've tried, however, I am a student now, and I'm glad I was wrong.
I have learnt that you shouldn't trust a friend even he is reliable.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: Last summer I needed a job. My friend told me, that he has something to offer .
To take the job, I had to follow a course. thet he will pay.
I passed the exams, but he never paid the taxes.
Finally I had to pay the exams, but I still do not have a job.
I have learnt that it is very important to study when u have the right age and not to interrupt your studies.
ReplyDeleteExplanation:I have interrupted my studies after I finish high-school and now it is very difficult because I forget everything and now it is very hard to learn to study again after I have an husband and children.
Dear Alin,
ReplyDeleteI am really sorry for the HEALTH problem you had and so few people WERE INTERESTED to help you. I hope those were the real FRIENDS and not those you simply have known from your CHILDHOOD.
Dear Ramona,
ReplyDeleteyou have to see the bright side of things! There are plenty of other advantages that you have such as maturity, wisdom, a family, etc.!
Because of that maybe you should spell the word YOU as YOU, not U.
I have learnt not so long ago, that we must live for today, because we don't know what tomorrow may bring. We should tell our loved ones how much we love them, we never know when we lose them. My father died three months ago...
ReplyDeleteI've learnt "not to sign as the mayor does", that is you have to read the text before signing.
Last year I asked for a bank loan and I didn't read all the contract, including finely written lines, and I was informed this year I'll pay a double interest.
I have learned that we can't lie. When I was younger, maybe in 3rd grade I got a bad mark. I didn't tell it to my parents. But they had found out, because the teacher called the parents to a meeting and she told my marks to my mom. My mom had a discussion with me. Since then I've learned I mustn't lie becuase it will turn out.
ReplyDeleteI have learnt that you shouldn’t always trust people.
ReplyDeleteTwo years ago I was sanctioned with a fine because I have broken the speed limit.I didn’t have time to pay it so I asked a friend to pay the fine.This friend has phoned me and confirmed that he done what I asked him .
After a mounth something camed with my mail .It was the same fine but the price was double.
l have learnt that l ask person who it is, when l answer the phone.
ReplyDeleteın the past, somebody called me. l didn't know number. l answerd, he didn't say me his name.l thougth that he was my friend,l asked "you are aytaç?".he said yes.l spoke half hour.after l called back aytaç, he said that he hadn't called me.l had spoken him who l have never know.
I have learnt painfully that you should not trust in messages received from people who are interested to earn from your.
ReplyDeleteA simple sms received one morning,I was anounced that we won a cell phone and 300 euro from cosmote,I was very eager,I called them,and they told me that I must transfer them 10 euro to receive award.I did what was asked and so I dropped into the the trap.
Is a proverb : A man learns from mistakes.
I have learnt that I have to control my temper,because when I don`t temper my self I can hurt my close ones.
ReplyDeleteIt was about one year ago,when I was in front of the 12th grade graduation exam`s,I was very tired and nervous because of the exam`s.I was studying in my room and my mom came in.She asked me gently if I need something.My respons was harsh.I sed to her to get out of my room.She didn`t say anything because she understud my difficult period but I am so sorry that I spoke to her in such a way.
I have learnt that you should not trust boys.
I loved a boy two years ago, who had another girl friend at the same time.
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ReplyDeleteI have learnt that you should always be honest.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago I got a bad mark at school and when I got home my mother asked me if I got some mark that day and I said that I didn't get any mark.Later that day my teacher called my parents and told them about my bad mark.I got punished,but the very bad thing was that I disappointed my parents. I promised myself that I would never do anything like that again.
ReplyDeleteat least you learnt a lesson that you will never forget!
Also, do not forget that THERE IS a proverb: A man learns from mistakes.
ReplyDeleteyou are right about controlling ourselves in stressful situations.
Your mom UNDERSTOOD your nervousness about the EXAMS and I am sure she completely forgot about that!
I've learnt sadly from my own experience that you can not rely on friends and people you know when it comes to business of any kind. It is better to do business and negotiate to total strangers, they will be objective (and probably fair-play) and won't use your friendship as a weapon.
ReplyDeleteI have learnt not to trust strangers.
ReplyDeleteLast summer I have been on my holiday and I asked a person who was walking by to take a picture with me and my friend, but the person jus left with my camera and started to run.
I want to say to Rebeca, not all guys are untrustworthy. There are serious guys.
ReplyDeleteI have learnt a lesson for life, we have to be responsible when we take care of somebody or something else.
ReplyDeleteExplanation: For my birthday my boyfriend gave me a pair of parrots. One day I let the parrots out of their cage so they could fly freely in the house. Suddenly my mobile phone rong and I started chatting with my friend and I forgat about my parrots. After half an hour of chatting I realized that my parrots were missing.
I looked for them eveywhere,and I checked if the windows were closed and then I realized that my cat ate my parrots.I was horrified
and angry at myself,and when I told my boyfriend he became very upset and he told me that I was irresponsible.
I've learned that in life you should never give up.
ReplyDeleteI had some difficult moments in my life,
when I thought there was no solution.
But with a little will, I always managed to go further.
Once when I was younger I had a friend. We were the best friends for each other, discussed our problems.Everything was beautiful until I found out that she was only playing a role. She lied to me and exploited me because I was her only friend. After this I have learnt not to trust anybody, not even our best friend.
ReplyDeleteI have learnt that no matter what you do and how hard you try you can never content all the people you work with.
ReplyDeleteI’ve been working as a mailman last year and a person asked me to give their pension earlier but inevitably other people will get theirs later, so I had to refuse that person.
I`ve learned that some people will never change and you cannot change them.I`ve learnd to accept who and what I am and that not everyone will get along whith me
ReplyDeleteI have learnt that the lies are not good because once I lied my mother that I don`t smoke and she cought me smoking and she was very dissapointed in me.
ReplyDeleteI have learnt that we should always listen to our parents when they give us an advice, because they are always right.
ReplyDeleteTwo years ago my mom told me: “the person who is pretending to be your best friend it isn’t really, and she’s not good to be your friend, because she’s got a different character which it doesn’t match with yours.
I didn’t listen to her on that time, but later on, when I realized that was true, I suffered a lot.