Read the story entitled The Golf Balls in Your Life on pages 122-123 in your coursebook and then in about 30 words comment on the golf balls in your own life.
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The story is interesting.The golfballs in my life are similar to the listed ones in the text,like family,friends,hobbys and health.What can I say about"the golf balls"? My family will be allways the priority.Without family there is no true love and where is not love there is no life.My friends,well I am talking about my true friends and I have only 2 true friends who stood by my side and for that I will be grateful all my life to them.My hobbys are soccer,gym workout and other sports.I put accent on my helth.I allways try to eat healthy foods,I sport all the time because I know that all the effort worth it.
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ReplyDeleteWell,in my life the golf balls are my family,my health,my happiness and my friends.My family always will be the most important,because they will always want to go well in my life.The things that aren't so important are car,clothes and money because even if money can buy a lot of things,can't buy happiness,health,love and others.
ReplyDeleteIt can buy a lot of things,but not health,youth or happiness.
ReplyDeleteExemple:It can buy a life partner,but not love,because many people are materialistic and they looking for a social position,not happiness.
Money can buy a football,but not the talent to be a good football player.
It can buy a dental prothesis,but never that teeth wich you had.
In my life the golf balls are my family and my health.The health is the most important thing in my life,because if you have health,you can have almost everything.The pebbles in my life are my home,and my friends,because not all my friends are true friends,and I can't say that they are golf balls for me.
ReplyDeleteThe sand in my life are the fun,clothes and others.
The first ball of all balls that we accumulate throughout our life is the birth and existence of our self. Lifetime basket of balls will gradually fill with balls that will shape our life with the existence of our loved ones, friendships that we will share, the events that will take place throughout our life and the significant or seemingly insignificant things around us. Unexpected events happened in my life with the effect of passing into nonexistence of a loved one who was the family support or the family pillar. It was a very important ball that will never be replaced. But life continues and we accumulate balls which are transformed in experience and memories.
ReplyDeleteThe golf balls in my life are the most important things in every person's life and those are my family, my family's health and my own, last but not least true love. I want to be able to take care of my family, not the other way around. True love is something of a rare beauty but when it happens you need to make sure that you don't lose it. With these three simple words you can get the biggest "golf ball" of them all and that is happiness.
ReplyDeleteI must say that for me the "golf balls" in my life are my family and friends. Without family and friends the little things would have no meaning and wouldn't be able to replace them in any way or form. Family is the most important, my parents and my sister and then the rest of our close relatives and friends.
ReplyDeleteI like the story, I belive that the golf balls in my life are happiness,love,friendship but sometime we put this golf balls on 2th place.I will try to have more time for them. I think people should think that happiness is not money.
ReplyDeleteI liked that story. It is about the priority principles of our life.
ReplyDeleteIn my life it was a moment when I was worryed about little things, but in teh end
I realized that they can’t influence my life a lot.
Now I’m trying to decide correctly, who and what is important in my life.
It is important to know what are the values in your life, and after that to make a decision
about what you will have to do.
In my opinion for everyone the golf balls in her or his life,are different things.I know people for which important things are the social position,money,and other things that to me means anything else.
ReplyDeleteI think those people forget their family and friends,things are most important in a person's life.
I love the story it’s very educational. The “golf balls” are the most precious for me because I am conscious that without them would be no happiness, no reason to go on. About health, well I take care every day of it because I smile, I laugh very much which is good for your heart!
ReplyDeleteit is a very beautiful story with an very important message. after reading the story i thought at my 'golf balls' and i've realised that my 'jar' is fuller with sand that with golf balls or pebbles. so i will reorganize my life.
ReplyDeleteAs I understand from the story, the golf balls, the pebbles and the sand represent a metaphor of our lives. I agree with the fact that everything is important in my life. Of course the golf balls are for me, my family, my friends and I can say my health and my job. But I pay attention to the small things as well: my hobbies and the little things I have to do everyday. I like shopping and listening to music. I believe these are for me the pebbles. I never forget to enjoy a beautiful summer day. I think such an action represent the sand in my life.
ReplyDeleteThe "golf balls" which are my family, friends and health, hobbies, fill up my life because these are important things just like professor says. If I did not have them my life would be empty as with a job, car and other things that are pebbles and sand I wouldn’t be able to enjoy life really. I don’t care how poor a person is if he has a family he’s rich.
ReplyDeleteWell, the story is very interesting and I beleieve that the golf balls in my life are firstly the health of my familly who recently got a new member, only then the social status and friends. I strongly believe that different people have different opinions, maybe there are people who believe that social status should be the first "golf ball" and put their familly on second place, but we all understand the message this story gives us in different ways...
ReplyDeleteI like very much the story and I consider it very true. My Golf Balls of my life depends the age. Now when I am young it is important to explore a lot the world, have fun how much I can and study. After a few years, I want to have a family and children and have a perfect family life.
ReplyDeleteI think money is a fastidious subject. You must have a very firm attitude about money and to know exactly what you want to do in your life. I never want to be rich because I will not have real friends and I will not sleep untroubled. I think a persons should earn money just how much he need for a decent life and the sense of life and money it can not be evaluated in houses, cars and properties.
ReplyDeleteIt's a very interesting, and educational story.I liked it very much.For me "the golf balls" reprezents my family, health and my friends.A lot of people forgot that what important is the family,health or to have a good friend.
ReplyDeleteThe golf balls are very important in our lifes,but without the the "pebbles,sand and the beer" the "golf balls" are almost useless.You can have family but if you can`t provide them food and shelter they will sufer.You can have friends but if you don`t respect them you can loose them.You can have health if you can not take care of it.
ReplyDeleteThe golf ball in my life is my family (my mother)for me because she support me when I need something or when I make a mistake. The second golf ball in my life is Lorand, my boyfriend who loves me very much and helps me in everything,I can tell him anything and he understands me, he is also my best friend.
ReplyDeleteThe moral of this story is very deep.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that often, just "golf balls", ie the most important things in our life, we appreciate them more when they are absent, or when they are away ...
I mean health, true friends, important moments of family, etc.
It's true, many people and events fit into our lives, but it is very important the order in which they are placed, otherwise many important things can remain on the outside.
ReplyDeleteIn life many things are important. But there are things which are the most important. The professor pointed out this things: family, health, kids. Unfortunately we don't spend enough time on them. We rather run after less important things like money, glamour, which seem to make us happy but after a period of time we realize we wasted our time. These are the sand. In my opinion we better fill our lives with golf balls and after that with sand.
ReplyDeleteIn my life the golf balls are my family ( children, wife, parents ) ,my health and my job.
ReplyDeleteI think family is very important. All the time they support us, so we support the family. To have good health, because if I wasn't healthy, I would not be here. And there are many other things I couldn't do - I couldn't work, I couldn't go out or enjoy myself -so to have good health is very important. Without health, you can't really do too much.You can always get money if you work hard , but you can’t buy your health, so if you’ve got your health, you’ve got everything. And finally, a good job is important. A job is important because many people have no job and they are very poor.
Life is very strange. The most important thing is just to be happy….and faith.
ReplyDeleteI would say knowledge , but I don't think it is …I think faith is more important If you haven't got that, you don't have good health - you have nothing. If you have knowledge, for example that after death there was nothing, you would probably despair of life, so faith is very important. In fact blind faith actual does get you out of things. Sometimes it's not the most important thing… it's the only thing.
For me my marriage, my daughter and my mother can be compared with golf balls. My business and professional training may be similar to gravel. Other daily activities are minor but useful. There are many events you do not think important, but they are essential.
ReplyDeleteI really liked this little informativ story.
ReplyDeleteMy family is very precious to me, and also the peace, the agreement and the kindness in the family.
If these golf balls are filled first in the jar, then in the family such as betwen friends will be agreement, good mood and harmony.
We ned to put much more emphasis to learn the real values, because they make our life more beauiful.
The "golf balls" have to be protected and you have to decide which are the priorities in your life.I personally made some bad decisions,I chose other persons in the detriment of those who where close to my heart.We regret these bad decisions but in life you make mistakes because if you don`t it means you are not human.
ReplyDeleteI agree with biro90’s affirmation, it is true that each and every grain of sand in our life has some importance even if we don’t notice it. We have to be circumspect and we always have to try to take the right decisions by how important they are.
ReplyDeleteThe golf balls are the most important things in our life, but sometimes these important things can hurt you more than some “pebbles and sand”
ReplyDeleteThese important golf balls can influence you more than anything
These golf balls bring you more advantages than disadvantages. They can make you to become a better person and they can increase your ability and they can boost your morale.
Well in my life the first golf ball is my family: my father, my brother,my grand mother because they support me no matter what.The second golf balls are my few friends who showed me that they are close to me and they help and support me in any decision I make.
ReplyDeleteThe golf balls in my life are happynes , healthy and family..I have two big golf balls in my life that is my Dad after that comes my mom and my brother. The second big golf ball is my boyfriend who loves my very much and helps me in everything.
ReplyDeleteThe story is very suggestive and true. I think it's important when a person starts his/her life yo establish his/her priorities and objectives, otherwise he/she will spend all his/her time and life with details and he/she will never know the satisfaction of the things well done. For me, the golf balls are my priorities and my objectives.
ReplyDeleteGolf balls are thingswithout which a person is alone and unhappy. Family and friends are the most things in my life, they are the person for which I would do anything to bring them happiness and love.
ReplyDeleteI want to say that whatever you have in this life is no more important that your family, health ,close relatives and close friends they represent the golf balls for me.The rest is just like a pad not very important...If you have a nice life close to your hold dear you don't need the rest.The sand everytime is dashed by the wind,"he" never stays with you for eternity but you parentes yes,you children also...So at the end you can make time ,like professor sad, just to drink a beer sometimes to change a little bit the environment.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to me,I haven't decided yet the exact order of the golf balls in my life,but one thing is settled:my family is my first priority and it's followed by my health ,my friends,my happiness,my future career and my aims (which I'm not sure they're in the right order).
ReplyDeleteFor most people, their job is a golf ball. Over time they realize that health and family were in the background and often they do not manage to change these positions. 5 years ago I was part of those people too, but I received moral support from my husband to change my priorities.
ReplyDeleteThe “golf balls” in my life means family, happiness and health. The first golf ball in my life is my family: my mother, my father and my sister. The second golf ball is my boy friend, who loves me very much and would do anything for me. These golf balls are my grandparents and my friends.
ReplyDeleteThe golf balls in my life are my family,my health and love,because if you have a loving family by your side and you are healthy too you can say that you're a lucky one.The pebbles in my life are money and many other things you can buy with it,because these are the uninportant things for me.The sand in my life are the fals friends,because they come and go but only the true one remains.
ReplyDeleteIn my life the golf balls represents my family, health, friends and happiness. The pebbles are the school, work, home, car, money. The golf balls fill the most important things in my life; these are very special and important to me. Unfortunately, we often meet obstacles and so we pay less attention to our golf balls, we efface them. We only notice this when we look around and nobody is staying near us, who we can count on when we really need somebody.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Blanka.Unfortunately we often forget about the most important persons and things in our lifes and when we realize that we made a mistake it's to late to make things better or right.My advice is:PAY ATTENTION TO THE IMPORTANT THINGS IN YOUR LIFE,ANYTHING ELSE CAN WAIT.